KnovelTech Corp offers a custom retrofit DR configuration to accommodate your facility with the existing x-ray equipment.
Sharper images, optimized clarity
Configured for grid suppression
Quick view selection
Customizable image sharpness level
Auto Contrast upon processing
Image auto-shutter/crop
Images auto-save during acquisition to Server for immediate access in exam rooms
Mobile device viewing*
iPad®, iPhone®, Android™, Blackberry®, and more
Tablets, Macs, Phones
No app or download req.
Studylist & Viewer
Tap, drag, and pinch
Simple patient search
Fully Customizable
Tailored Veterinary Imaging Solutions
Enjoy a completely tailored veterinary experience. Patient demographics include the Animal name and breed, and owner name and information. The acquisition will also show four categories of animals, with specific views set for each animal.